Sermons on “Freedom”
“That They May Open the Door – This Church Is Our Church, pt 2”
September 24, 2022 Pastor Greg Webster #blacklivesmatter, Antisemitism, Apocalyptic Prophecy, Authenticity, Belonging, Bigotry, Christian Nationalism, Church Fellowship, Church Leadership, Church Unity, Community, Compassion, Confession, Covenantal Love, End Time Living, Equality, Eschatology (End time events), Faith, Forgiveness, Freedom, God's Immeasurable Love for Us, God's Presence, God's Revelation, God's Righteousness, Grace, Incarnational Fellowship, Lukewarm/Laodicea, Our Love for Each Other, Peace Making, Prophecy, Prophetic History, Race & the Church, Racism, Religious Liberty, Revelation & Inspiration, The Kingdom of Heaven Daniel, Luke, Revelation, Romans A 4th Angel's Message: Why Do You Wonder?
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“‘…In Need of Nothing…’ – This Church Is Our Church”
September 17, 2022 Pastor Greg Webster Belonging, Compassion, Compromise, End Time Living, Eschatology (End time events), Freedom, God's Immeasurable Love for Us, God's Presence, God's Revelation, His Presence, Jesus Revealed, Lukewarm/Laodicea, Prophecy, Prophetic History, Religious Liberty, Scripture, Self Righteousness Ephesians, Revelation A 4th Angel's Message: Why Do You Wonder?
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“‘But Little Power…’ – This Land Is Our Land, pt 2”
September 10, 2022 Pastor Greg Webster Authority, Bigotry, Christian Nationalism, Compromise, Confession, Covenantal Love, Eschatology (End time events), Forgiveness, Freedom, Gentleness, God's Character, Grace, History, Prophetic History, Race & the Church, Reconciliation, Religious Liberty, Remnant, Spreading Gospel at the End, Worship, Worship by Coercion, Worship by Fear, Worship by Force Revelation A 4th Angel's Message: Why Do You Wonder?
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“This Land Is Our Land – Like the Lamb, Like the Dragon”
September 3, 2022 Pastor Greg Webster Christian Nationalism, End Time Living, Eschatology (End time events), Faith, Freedom, God's Revelation, Jesus Revealed, Living Worship, Prophecy, Prophetic History, Religious Liberty, Spreading Gospel at the End, Time, Tolerance, Worship, Worship by Coercion, Worship by Fear, Worship by Force 2Thessalonians, Revelation A 4th Angel's Message: Why Do You Wonder?
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“Alive In Name, Dead On the Beach”
August 27, 2022 Pastor Greg Webster Confession, Covenantal Love, End Time Living, Eschatology (End time events), Faith, Freedom, God's Word, Grace, History, Living Worship, Martryrdom, Our Love for Each Other, Peace Making, Prophecy, Prophetic History, Religious Liberty, Righteousness by Faith (ALONE), Self Righteousness, Spreading Gospel at the End, Suffering, The Kingdom of Heaven, Time, Tolerance, Worship by Coercion, Worship by Fear, Worship by Force 2 Corinthians, Revelation A 4th Angel's Message: Why Do You Wonder?
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“The Church’s View From the Beach”
August 20, 2022 Pastor Greg Webster Christian Nationalism, End Time Living, Eschatology (End time events), Freedom, God's People, History, Living Worship, Our Love for Each Other, Peace, Power, Prophecy, Prophetic History, Remnant, The Church, Treatment of Others, Worship, Worship by Coercion, Worship by Fear, Worship by Force 2 Corinthians, Numbers, Revelation A 4th Angel's Message: Why Do You Wonder?
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“The Whole World Gathers at the Beach”
August 13, 2022 Apocalyptic Prophecy, Christian Nationalism, Compassion, Conciliation, Eschatology (End time events), Freedom, God With Us, God's Presence, His Presence, Human Nature, Jesus' Humanity, Living Worship, Our Love for Each Other, Peace, Prophecy, Prophetic History, Remnant, Self Righteousness, Treatment of Others, Worship, Worship by Coercion, Worship by Fear, Worship by Force 1Corinthians, John, Revelation
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“The Remnant’s Law & Testimony”
August 6, 2022 Pastor Greg Webster Christ Our Sabbath Rest, Compassion, Conciliation, Covenantal Love, Creation, Faith, Forgiveness, Freedom, Gentleness, God With Us, God's Immeasurable Love for Us, God's People, Humility, Incarnational Fellowship, Jesus Revealed, Martryrdom, Our Love for Each Other, Prophecy, Prophetic History, Remnant, The Body of Christ, The Church 1John, Hosea, John, Matthew A 4th Angel's Message: Why Do You Wonder?
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“A Tale of Two Creations”
July 30, 2022 Pastor Greg Webster Apocalyptic Prophecy, Christian Nationalism, Covenantal Love, Creation, Eschatology (End time events), Freedom, History, Jesus Revealed, Love, Our Love for Each Other, Prophecy, Prophetic History 1John, Genesis, Revelation A 4th Angel's Message: Why Do You Wonder?
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“A Worship Song of Brand New Worth”
July 23, 2022 Pastor Greg Webster Apocalyptic Prophecy, Christian Nationalism, End Time Living, Eschatology (End time events), Faith, Freedom, God's Righteousness, God's Sovereignty, God's Transcendence, History, Lukewarmness, Prophecy, Prophetic History, Worship, Worship by Coercion, Worship by Fear, Worship by Force Hebrews, Revelation, Romans A 4th Angel's Message: Why Do You Wonder?
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