Sermons on “History”
“A Tale of Two Creations”
July 30, 2022 Pastor Greg Webster Apocalyptic Prophecy, Christian Nationalism, Covenantal Love, Creation, Eschatology (End time events), Freedom, History, Jesus Revealed, Love, Our Love for Each Other, Prophecy, Prophetic History 1John, Genesis, Revelation A 4th Angel's Message: Why Do You Wonder?
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“A Worship Song of Brand New Worth”
July 23, 2022 Pastor Greg Webster Apocalyptic Prophecy, Christian Nationalism, End Time Living, Eschatology (End time events), Faith, Freedom, God's Righteousness, God's Sovereignty, God's Transcendence, History, Lukewarmness, Prophecy, Prophetic History, Worship, Worship by Coercion, Worship by Fear, Worship by Force Hebrews, Revelation, Romans A 4th Angel's Message: Why Do You Wonder?
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“Laodicea’s Last Stumble Back”
January 29, 2022 Pastor Greg Webster Apocalyptic Prophecy, Bigotry, Christian Nationalism, Church Unity, Compassion, Conciliation, Covenantal Love, End Time Living, Eschatology (End time events), Faith, Freedom, Grace, History, Lukewarmness, Our Love for Each Other, Outreach, Prophetic History, Race & the Church, Racism, Religious Liberty, Signs, Spreading Gospel at the End, The Beast From the Land, Worship by Coercion, Worship by Fear, Worship by Force 1Corinthians, Daniel, Matthew, Revelation, Romans "The Cross: A Foolish Stumbling Block"
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“Lamblike: The Cross, The Sword, & the Beast’s New Image”
January 15, 2022 Pastor Greg Webster End Time Living, Eschatology (End time events), Freedom, History, Prophecy, Prophetic History, Race & the Church, Religious Liberty, Remnant, The 3 Angels Messages, The Beast From the Land, The Cross, The Good Shepherd, Worship by Coercion, Worship by Fear, Worship by Force John, Revelation "The Cross: A Foolish Stumbling Block"
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“The Sword The Cross & a Dead Church”
December 18, 2021 Pastor Greg Webster Assurance, Compassion, End Time Living, Eternity, Faith, Forgiveness, Freedom, Gentleness, God's Character, God's Immeasurable Love for Us, God's Righteousness, History, Jesus, Jesus Revealed, The Church, The Cross, Treatment of Others, Worship, Worship by Coercion, Worship by Fear, Worship by Force 1Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Isaiah, Revelation, Romans "The Cross: A Foolish Stumbling Block"
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“The Cross & the Sword – A Deadly Compromise”
December 4, 2021 Pastor Greg Webster Apocalyptic Prophecy, Authority, Compromise, End Time Living, History, Jesus Revealed, Love, Martryrdom, Pain & Suffering, Power, Prophetic History, The Cross, The Kingdom of Heaven, Worship, Worship by Coercion, Worship by Fear, Worship by Force 1Corinthians, Matthew, Numbers, Revelation "The Cross: A Foolish Stumbling Block"
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“I Find No Case Against Him…”
August 14, 2021 Pastor Greg Webster Assurance, Covenantal Love, Faith, God With Us, God's Character, God's Immeasurable Love for Us, God's Righteousness, Grace, History, Jesus Revealed, Mercy, Messiah, Original Sin, The Cross, The Son of Man 2 Corinthians, Daniel, Deuteronomy, John For Those Who Haven't Seen
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“Knowing & Not Knowing – Labor, Love, & Philadelphia”
September 5, 2020 Pastor Greg Webster #blacklivesmatter, 2nd Great Awakening, Apocalyptic Prophecy, Compromise, End Time Living, Eschatology (End time events), Faith, God's Immeasurable Love for Us, God's Sovereignty, Healing, Hearing, History, Love, Mission, Our Love for Each Other, Power, Prophecy, Race & the Church, Racism, Reconciliation Luke, Mark, Matthew, Revelation Institutionalism vs Incarnation: The Dangerous Dichotomy of Race & the Church
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“‘Zeal For Your House…’ Of Worship & Hostile Barriers”
August 15, 2020 Pastor Greg Webster #blacklivesmatter, Assurance, Atonement, Bigotry, Compassion, Freedom, God's Plan of Salvation, Grace, History, Race & the Church, Racism, Sanctuary, The Incarnation 1Corinthians, Ephesians, Hebrews, John, Mark, Zechariah Institutionalism vs Incarnation: The Dangerous Dichotomy of Race & the Church
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